The Erring Errors

My blog could never have turned out to be more better. Did you get it? 80 percent of people can’t assess that more better don’t go along. It should be said as my blog could never have turned out to be better. In our day to day life, we tend to perpetrate these small errors. We are likely to get judged for that. This post lists some ubiquitous flubs which will save everyone from public embarrassment and help to rectify these recurrent errors that are unintentionally made by many. (You might find few of your favorite pet peeves here.)


1) Use of excess exclamation points

The use of too many exclamation marks tends to devalue the meaning of a particular thing. It should be used subtly as multiple exclamation marks doesn’t increase the impact rather makes you look unprofessional. Being precise with your writing doesn’t mean you are blunt, it portrays you are writing properly.

2) Use of double negative

The double negative is generally advised not to use as it’s baffling and indigent usage of grammar. It turns the meaning of the sentence to positive.

Example :- Maera cannot help but act in a jittery manner because her exams are round the corner. (This is wrong because it has two negatives. The not(in cannot) and the but both imply negative meaning.)

Maera cannot help acting in a jittery manner because her exams are round the corner. (This is correct.)

3) Mixing up it’s and its

This is a very common mistake where people befuddle between its and it’s.”Its” refers to the possessive form of the pronoun “it” whereas “It’s” is the contraction for the words “it is” or “it has.” Its is a possessive determiner we use to say that something belongs to or refers to something.

Example(For it’s) :- It’s already raining outside.

Example(For its) :- The unreaped corn was scorched and shed its grain.

4) Not hyphenating words serving as a single adjective

 We need the hyphen only if the two words are functioning together as an adjective before the noun they’re describing. We should not hyphenate proper nouns of more than one word when they are used as compound adjectives.

Example :- The 35-year-old woman just celebrated her birthday. (35-year-old describes the word woman)

The woman is 35 years old.

5) Use of two comparative/superlative together

Using double superlative/double comparative is a grammar mistake when used in a sentence . A common mistake with double superlatives is using both the ending -est and the word “most” in the same sentence.The use of the term double comparative also applies to the incorrect use of two comparative forms together.

Example :- Cheetah is the most fastest animal in the world. (most and fastest cannot be used together as it is double superlative)

Cheetah is the fastest animal in the world. (Correct)

Alex is more taller than Jay. (more is not required as the comparative adjective form has been modified by the addition of ‘-ier’)

Alex is taller that Jay. (Correct)

6) Use of blunder and mistake together

The meaning of blunder is serious mistake that is why blunder and mistake cannot be used together. It is like writing the same word twice.

Example :- Akshay commited a blunder mistake. (Wrong)

Akshay commited a blunder/mistake. (Correct)

7) A Lot vs. Alot vs. Allot

A friendly reminder to everyone reading this, let me tell you that a word called “alot” doesn’t exist. Alot is a common misspelling of a lot. A lot means “many” or “to a great extent.” The word lot can be used as a noun, verb, pronoun, or adverb. Allot is a verb that means to give or assign to someone as a share or task.

Example :- Joy has a lot of toys.

I will allot a teacher to each group.

If you are here then you must have learnt a lot of unfamiliar things.I hope this post benefitted you in some way or the other.Go checkout this amazing post 30 of the Most Common Grammatical Errors We All Need to Stop Making for more descriptive information.

Published by Soumya Das

The sole motive of our blog is to encourage and impel our readers at their lowest of low phases.We try to boost their self-confidence and trust in themselves through our content because every day is a chance to change ourselves and not let the world affect the real us.We inspire people to do something today that their future self will thank them for because every day is a war against yourself.

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